Every patentGate role (patent department, viewer etc.) owns attributes. The default setting defines which attributes a role owns. In this window you can change these attributes and you can also create a new role. Note that changes to role configuration are significant and could entail undesired effects. Please contact our support to discuss such changes.
In system maintenance the administrator performs database statements and maintains the system. There you can execute a sql query and perform a Query Check. You can send collected emails and announce the date of maintenance and check the system status.
Additionally to Alert PatFamService you can reserve documents for the order in the document display. There you can reserve with INPADOC family or Citations.
As patent department or Verteiler you can define recipients. These will be displayed in the left frame when you create a circular. Like this you can choose them faster.
The alert function of patentGate enables to observe patents or patent families on new publications or grants. Additionally you can order missing family members. For this you first choose Monitor document/family in the document display.