Suchergebnisse für Kategorie Miscellaneous



On several points you can print the display using the print symbol at the top left of the page.
Der Beitrag wurde in diesen Kategorien veröffentlicht: Miscellaneous

Idea management

Using the feature idea management you can display and manage own ideas, which will be registered as property rights.

Internet explorer and https

If you log on to a https server your connection is ciphered. Sometimes you get a security message. Here we explain how you can disable this message and how you can check the certificate of the server.
Der Beitrag wurde in diesen Kategorien veröffentlicht: Miscellaneous

Overview to optional features

Beside the base version of patentGate we offer you to adapt patentGate individually to your requirements. For this we exist a variety of optional features which we can include in your patentGate. Please contact for this our support.