Rating matrix [custom]

This page describes a custom version of the invention feature. For general information please see this article.

  • Fill in the invention disclosure
  • Evaluation of the invention disclosure
  • Invention disclosure claimed
  • Release of an invention

  • The rating matrix is filled by the IP department. It can be opened by clicking on Show rating matrix under the status bar.

    Fill in the invention disclosure

    For each invention disclosure the following questions will be evaluated:

    Interest of customer indicated? Technological Roadmap?
    Current status of development? Usability for industrial application/profitability
    Patentability? (result of novelty research)
    Possible Claims/expected Coreness

    When the rating matrix is complete and the novelty search has been finished, the status of the invention disclosure is NOVELTY_SEARCH_DONE.

    Evaluation of the invention disclosure

    All users of the committee can enter their evaluation in the rating matrix.

    Every committee member can save a comment and decide if the invention disclosure is

  • negative
  • neutral
  • positive

  • Decision on the invention disclosure

    If the requested number of evaluations of committee members is done, the user in the patent department opens the rating matrix and decides how to process further. There are two options: Release (the invention is not useful for the company) or claim, when Preh GmbH will apply for a patent.

    Invention disclosure claimed

    If an invention disclosure is claimed, a comment is requested and the status changes to CLAIM.

    Release of an invention

    If an invention disclosure is not claimed by the company, it can be released to the inventor(s). This can be done in the rating matrix with the button Release. The following dialog expects a comment, why the invention is released.

    After the release the status changes to RELEASE.