If patentGate is not working, the page is empty or the message "The database status will be checked. Please wait a moment" is displayed, JavaScript may be deactivated or be blocked by a browser extension.
patentGate requires JavaScript to run.
Please check you browser configuration. Be careful and ask your IT support if necessary.
Perform the following steps:
- type
'about:config' into the Address Bar
- accept the warning about changing settings
- type 'javascript.enabled' into the Search box at the top
- you can toggle the false/true preference, set it to 'true'.
IE 10 or 11:
You can change the option in Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Select the Gear symbol (Options) in the upper right corner of the screen -> 'Internet Options' -> 'Security' tab -> 'Custom level…' button -> Scripting -> Active Scripting -> enable
You can alternatively add patentGate to 'Trusted Sites':
- go to 'Internet Options' -> “Security” tab -> Trusted Sites
- make sure that the address of the patentGate is typed in the input field
- if the patentGate server uses the https protocol, the checkbox 'Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone' must be checked
- click OK two times to accept the changesIf there are questions or problems with the settings, please ask your IT support.
You can configure this browser as follows
- type 'chrome://settings/content/javascript' into the Address Bar
- switch on -> JavaScript -> Allowed (recommended)