The workflow in patentGate

The duties of the patent work, which can be realised with patentGate, includes the search in the internal document pool as well as the monitoring of patents. These are explained in the following structural diagram.

Search in the data pool

Tutorial: Präsentation Preview For the search the simple and the expert search is available. Search queries are build and executed with field conditions which can be combined by Boolean operators. A search query can look in the whole data pool, the current or another specific data delivery. If you want to check the data pool regularly for specific topics (competitors, special fields etc.) you can save search queries and search results. At the saving of search results only the documents in the current data pool are considered. In the future added documents need to be searched once more. For the automatic and regular monitoring of specific technique fields or competitors the Autoprofile function exists in patentGate. With this function you define search queries as Autoprofiles which all be executed directly after a new delivery of data. Search results and queries you don't need any more can be deleted.

Favourites / saved search results

Tutorial: Präsentation Preview To work with temporary search results you need to save them. Like this not the whole data set is saved but only references to the bibliographic data of the results is deposited in the database. You distinguish between search result and monitoring. Search results are personal results of a user. For saving the search result you enter a name and optionally and comment which will be displayed in the overview. Search results also have an owner. This can insert a personal comment at the search results or delete irrelevant documents from the result list. You won't delete the document from the data base but only the reference from the result list. If you delete the whole search result the set of references to the documents will be deleted.


Tutorial: Präsentation Preview For the monitoring of patents (delegate documents to the circular) you save the temporary search result as monitoring. Each user of the role patent department and distributor can set up user and groups as addressees / recipients in Administration –> Recipient. If you edit a monitoring to create a circular you see the recipients at each document. You can simply tick the checkbox of a recipient to distribute the document to him or her. After editing each document like this you can create the circular. This means all checked documents will be displayed in Circular of the recipients.

Editing circulars

Tutorial: Präsentation Preview Viewer and distributor are editor of circulars. The functions correspond to the paper circulation: After the login the user sees all documents of the circular - divided in Edited and Not edited documents. At each document you start predefined actions: Conflict, Relevant or Seen. Distributors can additionally delegate to other recipients. Nevertheless the distributor has choose one of the predefined actions. All documents which get marked with conflict or relevant, will be returned to the corresponding sender of the circular. Then the sender can react on this with consideration of the comment. After leaving the document display the number of edited and not edited documents is updated. Edited documents won't be displayed after the deadline, not edited documents rest visible until they marked at least by Seen.

Feedback from the monitoring

Tutorial: Präsentation Preview In the status display the feedback from the circular can be edited. Here you see all documents which were rated and therefore a feedback exists. The state of a document (current, expired, hidden, archived) can be modified. In the overview Monitoring -> Distributed documents you see the monitoring with their deadline. If the deadline expired and all feedback sighted, the monitoring can be archived. Archived monitoring won't be displayed in the status display - current / expired but only can be sighted in archived monitoring. To keep once settled estimations of a document in the history of the bibliographic data you can't delete monitoring.
Der Beitrag wurde in diesen Kategorien veröffentlicht: Preface